61.   She snapped her fingers, looking serious.

62.   Sometimes the applause after a particularly touching work is mood-jarring, making it clear why the Beats made a habit of snapping their fingers in approval.

63.   Snap your fingers here, to get the proper idea.

64.   Spacey snapped his fingers.

65.   Stifled by a provincial milieu, Lizzie snaps her fingers in boredom.

66.   Suddenly, the driver snapped her fingers.

67.   The CIA officer snapped his fingers before Walker, who said nothing.

68.   Then he raised four fingers and snapped his fingers to show how quickly four lives were lost.

69.   Then, Kobe Bryant snapped his fingers on their daydream.

70.   Then Richardson snapped his fingers.

v. + finger >>共 385
point 21.44%
cross 6.99%
run 4.28%
put 3.75%
snap 2.58%
use 2.46%
have 2.20%
wag 2.11%
break 2.05%
stick 1.92%
snap + n. >>共 244
picture 20.21%
streak 9.99%
photo 9.54%
ball 6.31%
finger 6.16%
photograph 3.61%
shot 3.08%
three-game 1.80%
line 1.73%
four-game 1.43%
每页显示:    共 82