61.   The federal government owns every dose of smallpox vaccine in the country.

62.   The panel has been asked whether all Americans should be allowed to get smallpox vaccine if they want it.

63.   The smallpox vaccine is a live-virus vaccine made from a virus similar to smallpox called vaccinia.

64.   The smallpox vaccine is expected to protect people if it is given in the first four days after they are exposed to the virus.

65.   The smallpox vaccine not only protects against infection, but if administered early it can help an infected person fight off the virus.

66.   The smallpox vaccine has been shown to cause serious side effects, and even death, in people with weakened immune systems.

67.   The smallpox vaccine is being manufactured by Acambis, a British company.

68.   The smallpox vaccine is derived from a similar virus known as vaccinia, which is relatively harmless.

69.   The smallpox vaccine is one of the few that can be effective even after an individual has been infected, but only before symptoms appear.

70.   The smallpox vaccine, though safe and effective, can be deadly in small children with abnormalities in their immune systems.

n. + vaccine >>共 129
anthrax 15.08%
flu 13.66%
smallpox 13.18%
polio 10.57%
cancer 3.80%
childhood 2.49%
influenza 2.38%
rabies 2.26%
malaria 2.02%
pertussis 1.78%
smallpox + n. >>共 58
vaccine 32.36%
virus 20.70%
attack 5.83%
vaccination 4.66%
outbreak 4.37%
epidemic 3.79%
case 2.33%
stock 2.04%
campaign 1.75%
expert 1.46%
每页显示:    共 110