61.   The grill concept also emphasizes smaller portions of high-quality cuts ordered a la carte.

62.   The most important one may be to eat smaller portions in a relaxed atmosphere.

63.   The meals it does serve have smaller portions and fewer garnishes.

64.   The page can be viewed at full size, half-page or quarter-page, and a zoom feature allows closeups of even smaller portions.

65.   The Middle East provides a smaller portion of the world and U.S. oil supplies.

66.   The United States can now focus both its surveillance and its direct action on smaller portions of Afghanistan.

67.   They tend to have more poor children, but pay lower benefits and give them to a smaller portion of their poor children.

68.   This dish can be served as an entree or, in smaller portions, as a side dish with chicken or fish.

69.   This will save you a few cents and you can repackage and freeze them in smaller portions.

70.   Through a smaller window, we could see others dividing a large block of cheese into smaller portions for waxing and packaging.

a. + portion >>共 786
large 12.50%
small 8.91%
significant 4.16%
good 3.27%
substantial 2.62%
major 2.24%
smaller 2.13%
larger 1.59%
eastern 1.35%
remaining 1.30%
smaller + n. >>共 1069
company 6.66%
party 3.04%
one 2.73%
group 2.67%
number 1.57%
scale 1.41%
amount 1.35%
city 1.32%
bank 1.21%
market 1.18%
portion 0.55%
每页显示:    共 79