61.   Lower oil prices will only make that situation worse.

62.   Many of the gambles failed, making the situation worse.

63.   Ms. Blocker said that in her case the cutbacks have made a bad situation worse.

64.   Now the FDA has made this situation worse.

65.   One big reason is that SUVs tend to have a higher center of gravity that can make a bad situation worse.

66.   Only congressional intervention could be guaranteed to make a bad situation worse.

67.   Raising rates now could make the situation worse by pushing down stock and bond prices and further weakening foreign currencies relative to the dollar.

68.   Removing the tents would make the situation worse, Arpaio said, refusing to consider it.

69.   Second-base umpire Gus Rodriguez made an already sticky situation worse for USC.

70.   Russian Foreign Ministry officials, for their part, continue to argue that NATO airstrikes will make a bad situation worse.

n. + worse >>共 171
matter 43.93%
thing 17.15%
situation 10.85%
problem 6.98%
condition 1.52%
life 0.68%
look 0.61%
crisis 0.53%
plight 0.38%
loss 0.38%
situation + a. >>共 96
worse 47.35%
dangerous 3.97%
difficult 2.32%
better 2.32%
complicated 1.99%
volatile 1.32%
amusing 0.99%
critical 0.99%
unbearable 0.99%
frustrating 0.99%
每页显示:    共 142