61.   Morrel argues that taking down the sculpture would signal the end of experimentation for artists.

62.   Nevertheless, Murphy said, many technology stocks that trade at high multiples to earnings or revenues have not dropped far enough to signal the end of the correction.

63.   Okoh quickly played the ball to Chronopolous, who scored just seconds before Weyland signaled the end of the half.

64.   Outlawing blows to the head would signal the end of professional boxing, where everyone hits to the head and all combinations begin with a shot to the chops.

65.   Russia mounted a last-ditch campaign Monday to avert NATO air strikes against Yugoslavia, warning that it may signal an end to cooperation with the Western alliance.

66.   Several Wall Street analysts said the filing signaled the end of the company.

67.   Silence was the wise course two days ago for the ceremony signaling the end of recovery operations at ground zero.

68.   So many firms leaving the market could signal the end to the decline.

69.   Some critics even indicated that this movie could signal an end to the teen-movie craze of the past couple of years.

70.   Some experts here said the collapse of the Kabul front likely does not signal the end of Taliban resistance.

v. + end >>共 703
put 11.89%
mark 8.85%
near 6.16%
bring 4.45%
demand 4.29%
mean 4.29%
negotiate 3.58%
signal 2.98%
see 2.79%
reach 2.41%
signal + n. >>共 677
end 8.17%
willingness 4.57%
start 4.53%
change 3.82%
intention 3.04%
beginning 3.04%
support 2.34%
return 1.45%
interest 1.37%
readiness 1.34%
每页显示:    共 219