61.   The company will likely target cheaper rental properties with some vacancies and leases that expire in a shorter period, Rannala said.

62.   The death occurred when a large dose was given to the patient over a much shorter period than intended.

63.   The days are shorter, the sun visits less often, for shorter periods of time.

64.   The marriage of the two is something that they have been talking about for a shorter period of time.

65.   The institute will continue to offer an e-commerce certificate for students who wish to study the subject for a shorter period.

66.   The New York district temporarily lost more files to computer error than other districts because it raced through more different systems in a shorter period than most.

67.   The newcomers say overaging makes the wines harsh and oxydized and insist they can achieve the power and elegance of great Tokay with shorter aging periods.

68.   The report also said that cotton production will be enhanced through a shorter growing period between sowing and harvest.

69.   The proposal included delivering more funds faster to ailing economies over a shorter period of time with higher interest rates on the loans, which would encourage timely repayment.

70.   The results are for a shorter period because Sanyo changed its fiscal year from to March from November.

a. + period >>共 576
second 11.27%
first 9.66%
third 9.10%
long 7.32%
same 4.51%
short 3.58%
extended 2.33%
longer 2.31%
waiting 2.13%
brief 1.92%
shorter 0.67%
shorter + n. >>共 464
maturity 9.80%
period 5.29%
time 3.84%
hour 3.73%
term 3.48%
work 2.59%
sentence 2.18%
distance 2.02%
version 1.82%
day 1.76%
每页显示:    共 101