61.   Computer Associates has been shifting its focus to selling client-server software that manages computer networks and scaling back products that run big mainframes.

62.   Computer Associates, long known as a mainframe software maker, has been shifting its focus to selling client-server software.

63.   Criticism will get him nowhere, so he shifts focus.

64.   Corporate directors are shifting their focus to protecting shareholder interests rather than those of top executives, according to a new survey.

65.   Department officials say that shifting the focus of research to engineering considerations is natural.

66.   Developed by Dr. Aaron Sones, a retired Los Angeles emergency room physician, the mouse shifts the focus of cursor movement from the hands to the feet.

67.   David Stern, understanding that his league has been in something of a slump, shifted focus from salary cap to rally cap.

68.   Dole seemed to agree by saying that he is eager to shift the focus to the November contest with President Clinton.

69.   During World War II, the agency shifted its focus to housing for defense workers.

70.   Erica Robb, a spokeswoman for the company, says it is shifting its focus to consumer staples and leaving malls as leases come up for renewal.

v. + focus >>共 237
shift 20.81%
lose 10.27%
keep 8.69%
change 4.57%
turn 4.46%
put 3.38%
narrow 3.05%
maintain 2.65%
sharpen 2.54%
switch 2.14%
shift + n. >>共 733
focus 9.46%
money 5.10%
production 4.36%
gear 3.97%
attention 3.15%
fund 2.85%
responsibility 2.08%
blame 2.05%
emphasis 1.95%
position 1.79%
每页显示:    共 367