61.   The move represents a fundamental shift by the federal government, which largely decided months ago to press for a breakup.

62.   The package raises the promise of a shift by China toward Western-style financing of large projects.

63.   The plane was grounded as the flying crew had finished their shifts by the time the delivery was over.

64.   The relaxed dress codes appear to be part of an overall shift by the ruling clerics to try to avoid another wave of pro-reform rallies.

65.   The surrenders represent a significant shift by the Serbs, who have in the past accused the court of anti-Serb bias.

66.   Together, they discussed the remarkable shift by North Korean President Kim Jong Il toward reconciliation with South Korea.

67.   You have to go out there and play period by period, shift by shift.

68.   Honda Motor Corp. has also been affected by this shift by car manufacturers from the dream-inspired towards the practical.

69.   Indian foreign office spokesman Talmiz Ahmed said there had been no significant shift by either country on Kashmir during the negotiations, which began Friday.

70.   The moves comes on the heels of a controversial shift by the Cleveland Browns to Baltimore and plans by the Houston Oilers to move into Nashville, Tennessee.

n. + by >>共 1516
effort 1.42%
attack 1.37%
attempt 1.07%
decision 1.01%
visit 0.94%
report 0.85%
year 0.79%
move 0.69%
investigation 0.63%
action 0.59%
shift 0.03%
shift + p. >>共 60
in 46.66%
to 11.42%
of 10.84%
from 8.70%
toward 4.19%
at 2.88%
for 1.99%
on 1.89%
by 1.77%
with 1.31%
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