61.   Iraqi army tanks have shelled a town in northern Iraq as troops build up on the edge of the Kurdish safe haven, the opposition said Wednesday.

62.   Iraqi troops also shelled the towns of Kifri and Shamshamal, it said in a statement.

63.   Iraq has denied reports from the Kurdish opposition that Saddam had massed his forces near the region controlled by the Kurds and that the forces were shelling Kurdish towns.

64.   And no-one forgets that the Bosnian Serbs are still not defeated and still within range to shell the town.

65.   Both towns were shelled on Monday, Sochacki said but gave no further details.

66.   Both towns were shelled on Monday, she added.

67.   Bosnian Serbs last week shelled the town five days in row, despite protests by the United Nations.

68.   Bihac town in northwestern Bosnia was quiet after the Rose ultimatum to Serbs on Saturday to stop shelling the town.

69.   Bosnian Serb artillery was reported shelling the town.

70.   Bosnian Serb forces began their advance on the enclave last Thursday shelling the town, a UN Safe Area, on Sunday and Monday.

v. + town >>共 658
leave 15.30%
enter 4.59%
capture 2.74%
attack 2.53%
flee 2.44%
hit 2.34%
shell 2.23%
take 2.18%
visit 1.94%
surround 1.87%
shell + n. >>共 170
village 16.12%
position 11.15%
area 10.22%
town 8.90%
city 3.47%
civilian 2.44%
target 2.25%
camp 2.06%
capital 1.97%
pea 1.41%
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