61.   Michel and Llorente were jointly charged with four counts of violating Islamic law or Shariat, including the serious offence of illegal mixing between foreign men and Afghan women.

62.   Owen Oyston, the owner of Blackpool Football Club, was arrested here on Thursday over allegations of serious sexual offences, police sources said.

63.   Police said Friday they needed more time to decide on his bail and that it was not a serious offence.

64.   Prisoners convicted of multiple serious offences, including rape, could be released, but those on life sentences are not affected.

65.   Several other people have been charged with hindering a police investigation and concealing a serious offence.

66.   Some legal experts told Radikal however that the new extended amnesty would apply only to prisoners convicted of less serious offences.

67.   Taiwanese law already allowed the death penalty for some serious offences but this is the first time laws have been specifically enacted to combat organised crime.

68.   The aim of the court is to try serious offences such as crimes against humanity or genocide, wherever in the world they are committed.

69.   The death penalty is already available in Indonesia for serious offences but is not widely used.

70.   The haemophiliacs and their supporters have called for them to be tried by the high court responsible for judging the president and ministers over the most serious offences.

a. + offence >>共 147
criminal 15.20%
serious 9.07%
second 6.77%
alleged 6.64%
bookable 6.26%
similar 4.21%
same 4.21%
first 3.32%
sexual 3.19%
minor 3.19%
serious + n. >>共 891
condition 7.60%
injury 7.04%
problem 6.22%
damage 2.48%
threat 2.11%
crime 2.01%
charge 1.33%
trouble 1.32%
concern 1.24%
health 1.20%
offence 0.26%
每页显示:    共 71