61.   Even in its embryonic form, FINEID gives people a secure way to access sensitive information, Vatka says.

62.   FBI officials helped fuel the criticism with complaints that the CIA had failed to share sensitive information that stifled the investigation.

63.   FBI officials helped fuel the criticism, complaining that the CIA had failed to share sensitive information that stifled the investigation.

64.   For example, medical research depends on access to sensitive information, he said.

65.   For instance, parents can prevent the exchange of sensitive information like addresses and phone numbers, which can be used by predators to track down their prey.

66.   French Justice Minister Elisabeth Guigou said that French companies were being encouraged to encrypt sensitive information to avoid detection by U.S. espionage operations.

67.   GM contends that the information included extremely sensitive information about a new factory design intended to greatly enhance flexibility in handling parts and supplies.

68.   Gingrich would not disclose what Albright had discussed with him and other senior members of Congress, except to say that it involved very sensitive information.

69.   Glickman headed the House Intelligence Committee, but he resisted the temptation to trade his access to sensitive information for a ticket to the limelight.

70.   He also told Nature magazine that too much sensitive information was being made public and that some work might have to be reviewed by federal agencies before publication.

a. + information >>共 877
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sensitive + n. >>共 769
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