61.   Speculators began moving against the Hong Kong dollar Friday, pushing forward market premiums significantly higher as they sold it short.

62.   The common thinking is that higher interest rates will seem to punish speculators by raising the cost of borrowing the currency to sell it short.

63.   The KLA has accused Rugova and other ethnic Albanian leaders of trying to sell short their goal of independence.

64.   The stocks were allegedly sold short before the attacks.

65.   I think you are selling them short.

v. + short >>共 16
cut 87.72%
sell 5.18%
keep 2.79%
leave 1.20%
crop 1.12%
find 0.56%
consider 0.48%
have 0.16%
make 0.16%
order 0.16%
每页显示:    共 65