61.   But seeking his opinion is a legal step Plavsic must take before making her own announcement on the future of parliament.

62.   E-mailers also sought his opinion on issues ranging from the modernization of the monarchy to environmental protection and alternative medicine.

63.   For the time being, he said, the use of the facilities were limited to seeking second opinions on diagnostics.

64.   He never asked the council to approve the final plan or sought the opinion of camp survivor groups or Jewish organizations.

65.   He said MPPJ should have sought the opinion of the residents on the proposal and not decided unilaterally on the matter.

66.   He said there was no need for Mr Tsang and Mr Yam to fly to western countries to seek opinions from experts.

67.   I did not want him to be a party and, therefore, did not seek his opinion.

68.   It said it would seek an opinion from the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna.

69.   Khalilzad acknowledged visiting the site but said he was mobbed by delegates seeking his opinion.

70.   Mitterrand stepped in Friday to say he was seeking the opinion of the High Council of the Magistrature, a consultative body with moral weight.

v. + opinion >>共 416
have 13.33%
express 8.53%
offer 5.37%
voice 4.14%
give 3.71%
divide 2.99%
share 2.99%
seek 2.64%
issue 2.16%
write 2.07%
seek + n. >>共 791
comment 6.91%
help 3.98%
refuge 2.48%
approval 2.06%
asylum 2.05%
support 1.99%
way 1.81%
re-election 1.81%
damage 1.72%
advice 1.69%
opinion 0.26%
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