61.   Stepashin is visiting the volatile region to investigate its security needs.

62.   The council is currently considering the future security needs of Afghanistan.

63.   The government is confronted by a wide and expensive range of security needs, from vaccine stockpiling to military deployments.

64.   The Israeli army said it uprooted the trees because of security needs and nightly shooting incidents in the area.

65.   The Olympics are getting more expensive mainly because of transportation and security needs, he said.

66.   Israel has consistently refused to join the NPT, citing its special security needs, despite strong Arab pressure to do so.

67.   Israel has steadfastly refused to do so, arguing it has special security needs when neighbouring countries repeatedly call for its destruction.

68.   Israel has steadfastly refused to do so, arguing it has special security needs.

69.   It says it has special security needs so long as countries such as Iraq and Iran threatened its very existence.

70.   Israel argues it has special security needs for as long several countries repeatedly call for its destruction.

n. + need >>共 568
security 4.49%
energy 4.15%
customer 3.31%
health 3.14%
business 2.08%
power 1.85%
community 1.51%
information 1.46%
market 1.35%
water 1.29%
security + n. >>共 445
force 16.92%
official 8.09%
measure 3.87%
service 2.70%
concern 2.53%
source 2.32%
reason 2.31%
officer 2.29%
firm 2.22%
issue 1.82%
need 0.16%
每页显示:    共 80