61.   Schools were also reopening, although most parents were keeping their children at home.

62.   The announcement that schools would reopen had a visible effect in soothing plague fears in this city of nine million people, where two plague deaths have been reported.

n. + reopen >>共 342
market 10.85%
school 4.81%
airport 4.73%
government 2.87%
shop 2.71%
store 2.40%
building 2.17%
authority 2.09%
official 2.02%
prosecutor 1.63%
school + v. >>共 1050
be 18.31%
have 8.45%
offer 1.83%
use 1.49%
say 1.46%
do 1.30%
begin 1.27%
remain 1.26%
close 1.26%
teach 1.21%
reopen 0.64%
每页显示:    共 62