61.   Privacy is also an imponderable, researchers said.

62.   Sexual activity during pregnancy does not lead to premature birth, researchers said Wednesday, rebuffing the beliefs of some health professionals.

63.   So say researchers who have spent a year analyzing data from the LEP accelerator at the CERN nuclear physics lab near Geneva.

64.   Some of the welfare-to-work policies adopted by states in recent years benefit children in low-income families by improving their school performance, researchers said Monday.

65.   So anything that accelerates that deterioration is of concern, the researchers said.

66.   Spring would come earlier, lengthening the growing season but shortening the ski season, researchers said.

67.   So say the researchers at BrightPlanet.com LLC, a tiny company in Sioux Falls, S.D., where the workers probably have time to read every single document.

68.   Spacecraft of the future could consume themselves to make extra fuel, say researchers in the United States.

69.   Teen-agers quickly discover which stores in a community will sell to them, and they return there repeatedly, the researchers said.

70.   That deserves more attention than it has gotten, several researchers said.

v. + researcher >>共 224
say 26.87%
find 4.57%
include 2.35%
lead 2.35%
help 2.22%
have 1.80%
report 1.66%
surprise 1.52%
send 1.39%
divide 1.25%
say + n. >>共 862
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spokesman 3.72%
no 3.22%
analyst 2.66%
report 2.47%
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trader 1.74%
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researcher 0.32%
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