61.   About a year later Avraham was stricken with epilepsy, stopped working and began beating his wife and their two girls, the Maariv newspaper said.

62.   Abraham Abdallah is accused of using the World Wide Web to invade the personal financial lives of billionaires and corporate executives, the newspaper said.

63.   After three days of scrutiny, however, the FBI shifted its focus away from the militia group, the newspaper said.

64.   Alatas said Cook had told him the arms reveiw was not directed specifically at Indonesia and that existing contracts will be met, the newspaper said.

65.   After three days of scrutiny, however, the FBI shifted its focus away from the militia group, the newspaper said today.

66.   Alex Preye, who heads a group called the Egbesu Boys of Africa, made the cease-fire offer after numerous appeals from various Ijaw leaders, the newspaper said.

67.   All that remains now is to convince his lady love, said the newspaper, which did not identify the man.

68.   Although the sterilizations were public policy, they are not mentioned in current schoolbooks and are given only glancing attention in reference works, the newspaper said.

69.   An appeals court in Ho Chi Minh City, formerly called Saigon, issued its decision Thursday upholding the convictions and sentences, the newspaper said.

70.   Although a final decision has not been taken, the proposals are likely to be announced early next year, the newspaper said in early editions available Saturday.

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