61.   As a result, say analysts, currency traders saw the rate cuts as more cosmetic than real and began another run on the dollar.

62.   Archer Daniels may be the buyer, analysts said.

63.   As companies move their trademarks online and try to use them to make money through partnerships or advertising, more legal battles are expected to follow, analysts said.

64.   As a result, Canadian bonds underperformed U.S. and European debt securities as traders held off buying securities denominated in a depreciating currency, analysts said.

65.   As a result, Entel is falling in line with the rest of the market, analysts said.

66.   As a result, retailers that specialize in apparel are expected to fare far worse than their department-store kin, analysts said.

67.   As a result, Sprint will have the largest increase in calling volume for the second straight quarter, analysts said.

68.   As the cost-cutting wave spreads through more industries and more countries, the demand for technology can only increase, say analysts.

69.   As the industry enters the third quarter, traditionally the slowest period for steel orders, some companies could have trouble moving steel, analysts said.

70.   Astral and Alliance either made offers or are preparing offers, analysts said.

v. + analyst >>共 277
say 58.28%
surprise 4.91%
divide 4.27%
bank 1.90%
tell 1.83%
have 1.36%
catch 1.22%
leave 1.18%
split 0.93%
worry 0.90%
say + n. >>共 862
official 10.72%
police 6.88%
spokesman 3.72%
no 3.22%
analyst 2.66%
report 2.47%
source 2.45%
trader 1.74%
goodbye 1.60%
thing 1.27%
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