61.   A Russian foreign ministry spokesman quoted by Interfax news agency, said that orders were issued overnight Monday to reopen the valves at the border between Hungary and Yugoslavia.

62.   A Russian foreign ministry spokesman said he could not confirm that the talks had concluded but noted that the talks had been scheduled to last two days.

63.   A Russian foreign ministry spokesman warned Thursday a Croatian army offensive against Serb positions could lead to an escalation of the Balkans conflict.

64.   A Russian foreign ministry spokesman, Grigory Karasin, told reporters however that Moscow regretted that the incident had occurred.

65.   A rebel died during an attack on a federal checkpoint, Interfax-AVN reported the Russian interior ministry as saying.

66.   A Russian foreign ministry spokesman at the weekend dismissed fears that Washington was seeking to supplant Russian influence in the Central Asian region.

67.   A Russian foreign ministry spokesman said he could not confirm that the talks had concluded.

68.   A Russian interior ministry spokesman said that small rebel formations had failed in their efforts to break the Russian grip on the area.

69.   A Russian interior ministry spokesman told Interfax that large numbers of the infiltrators had been encircled or killed.

70.   A power struggle is under way in North Korea for the succession to late president Kim Il-Sung, a Russian foreign ministry official said here.

a. + ministry >>共 233
foreign 46.07%
interior 15.13%
french 2.83%
russian 2.37%
senior 1.95%
japanese 1.45%
turkish 1.26%
israeli 1.13%
chinese 1.07%
home 0.95%
russian + n. >>共 781
troop 7.11%
official 5.60%
force 4.03%
government 3.40%
soldier 2.60%
authority 1.66%
leader 1.57%
television 1.48%
military 1.32%
army 1.05%
ministry 0.46%
每页显示:    共 239