61.   While you could call Rover by ringing your doorbell, or call Kitty by running your can opener, teaching them their names is a preferable alternative.

62.   You set the bag on fire, ring the doorbell and take off.

63.   People even ring doorbells of neighbours to alert them of the arrival of the tankers.

64.   A visitor ringing the doorbell hears the Notre Dame fight song.

65.   Agee fatally shot de Vries after he rang the doorbell twice and then banged on the back door.

66.   Also, in order to find people in the households, the surveyors rang doorbells during evening hours, and on weekends and holidays.

67.   Dukakis said when he started in politics, he rang every doorbell in his community.

68.   Lee said she waited for Clarke and B.J. to get home, then rang their doorbell.

69.   Surveyors usually rang doorbells at evening, on weekends and holidays, when most prostitutes are working, unavailable for interviews, Brewer said.

70.   The bandits would ring doorbells, and if no one answered, enter through a rooftop vent, window or air-conditioning duct.

v. + doorbell >>共 10
ring 73.79%
answer 18.45%
ding 0.97%
hear 0.97%
include 0.97%
obey 0.97%
press 0.97%
push 0.97%
repair 0.97%
ringing 0.97%
ring + n. >>共 286
bell 22.03%
doorbell 6.89%
hollow 5.53%
city 5.53%
building 2.81%
area 2.54%
change 2.27%
capital 1.45%
alarm 1.18%
courthouse 1.18%
每页显示:    共 76