61.   Both Clinton and Giuliani are abortion rights supporters.

62.   Both Giuliani and Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton are abortion rights supporters.

63.   Current Attorney General Carla Stovall is an abortion rights supporter, but she is to leave office soon.

64.   Gay rights supporters were pleased by results of ballot proposals in three Michigan cities.

65.   Giuliani, an abortion rights supporter, has refused to back a ban on the procedure.

66.   Giuliani, like Clinton, is an abortion rights supporter.

67.   Giuliani, like Mrs. Clinton, is an abortion rights supporter.

68.   Half of the Bush supporters in the CBS poll said if Bush picks an abortion rights supporter as vice president it would not affect their backing of Bush.

69.   He has settled down as a model citizen and family man, an environmentalist and animal rights supporter.

70.   Lazio, while maintaining he is an abortion rights supporter, favors banning the abortion procedure and has never run with Liberal Party backing.

n. + supporter >>共 363
opposition 25.11%
government 8.29%
right 3.97%
rebel 3.48%
abortion 3.24%
independence 3.04%
abortion-rights 2.35%
core 1.91%
flag 1.42%
gore 1.37%
right + n. >>共 364
group 26.20%
activist 13.66%
advocate 6.96%
issue 5.19%
abuse 3.83%
violation 2.54%
movement 2.25%
supporter 2.00%
organization 2.00%
bill 2.00%
每页显示:    共 80