61.   It wants the legislature to take the unlikely further step of re-examining and changing laws and policies that restrict rights such as freedom of speech.

62.   Legislation restricts civil rights and gives security agents carte blanche.

63.   Mayor Gheorghe Funar is known for his dislike of the Hungarian minority and often seeks to restrict its rights.

64.   Opponents warn that restricting the right to demonstrate is a greater threat to German democracy than letting extremist rallies go ahead and could fall foul of its postwar constitution.

65.   Powerful Muslim fundamentalists and tribal conservatives refuse to amend the election law that restricts the right to vote and run for office to men.

66.   Politicians called for measures to restrict the right of foreign imams to give public sermons that conflict with Dutch human rights values.

67.   The distinction is important, because gun laws necessarily restrict individual rights.

68.   The job to be done includes approving the rollback of civil liberties, which will restrict the rights to demonstrate and to have ties with foreign organizations.

69.   The law severely restricts the right of Copts to build churches.

70.   The protesters said Kazakstan had violated its own constitution by restricting the rights of citizens to gather for peaceful demonstrations.

v. + right >>共 447
have 32.77%
reserve 3.29%
protect 2.51%
violate 2.22%
support 2.05%
win 1.88%
retain 1.82%
exercise 1.68%
waive 1.51%
defend 1.38%
restrict 0.54%
restrict + n. >>共 885
access 7.84%
freedom 4.20%
use 4.15%
movement 3.59%
flow 2.50%
right 2.22%
number 2.15%
sale 2.15%
import 1.94%
activity 1.94%
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