61.   Yeltsin has been in Barvikha Sanatorium, west of Moscow, since Wednesday with an acute respiratory ailment.

62.   Youngsters and the elderly and people with respiratory ailments and heart disease should refrain from outdoor activity, officials say.

63.   Opponents of methyl tertiary butyl ether say it seeps into ground water, contaminates wells and aggravates asthma and other respiratory ailments.

64.   A station official said four station employees were briefly hospitalized for sore throats and other minor respiratory ailments.

65.   All flights in and out of Jilin were canceled, Xinhua said, and doctors were advising residents with any respiratory ailments to remain indoors.

66.   And with many homes destroyed, several families are crowded into each house, speeding the spread of respiratory ailments and other contagious illnesses.

67.   Brucellosis carries the potential for brain infections and heart dysfunction, while TB is a deadly respiratory ailment.

68.   But a station official said four station workers were briefly hospitalized for sore throats and other minor respiratory ailments.

69.   Chinese health experts attribute rising death rates from cancer and respiratory ailments to pollution and say that smog causes tens of thousands of premature deaths each year.

70.   Doctors cannot treat simple diarrhea and common respiratory ailments, leaving more people, especially children, at risk of malnutrition.

a. + ailment >>共 221
respiratory 11.35%
physical 7.00%
minor 5.41%
common 4.98%
liver 4.98%
serious 3.39%
mysterious 3.08%
back 2.76%
chronic 2.65%
intestinal 2.12%
respiratory + n. >>共 111
problem 24.27%
infection 16.52%
failure 9.52%
ailment 6.75%
illness 6.62%
disease 6.12%
tract 4.85%
distress 2.02%
therapist 1.51%
condition 1.32%
每页显示:    共 106