61.   King Fahd of Saudi Arabia said Saturday he wanted to inject new blood into his government when he reshuffled his cabinet last week.

62.   Last Tuesday, Kim reshuffled his cabinet, replacing eight ministers, in a bid to lift the image of his administration mired by scandals and his sagging popularity.

63.   Lebanese Prime Minister Rafic Hariri withdrew his resignation despite failing to get the green light from Syria to reshuffle his cabinet, government sources said Tuesday.

64.   Lee ordered Lien to reshuffle the cabinet and said the reforms and efforts to solve a series of highly publicised murders should take precedence over his departure.

65.   Meanwhile, Chiluba partially reshuffled his cabinet, with changes including two cabinet appointments to fill posts vacated by ministers who recently resigned over the constitutional crisis.

66.   Mahathir said there were no reasons for him to reshuffle the cabinet as he was happy with with the present line-up.

67.   Namibian President Sam Nujoma on Thursday reshuffled his cabinet by rotating four ministers, promoting a deputy minister and appointing a new deputy minister.

68.   Norwegian Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland reshuffled her cabinet Friday following the resignation of Health Minister Werner Christie for personal reasons, a government statement said.

69.   Palestinian minister of parliamentary affairs Nabil Amr told AFP Saturday he had resigned over differences with the Palestinian leadership on the need to reshuffle the cabinet.

70.   President Eduardo Frei Tuesday said he intended to reshuffle his cabinet, six months after taking power.

v. + cabinet >>共 183
reshuffle 13.97%
name 6.23%
join 3.87%
form 3.70%
announce 3.37%
quit 2.86%
appoint 2.19%
make 2.02%
present 1.85%
shuffle 1.68%
reshuffle + n. >>共 77
cabinet 33.74%
government 12.20%
management 2.85%
portfolio 2.85%
deck 2.03%
board 2.03%
lineup 1.63%
post 1.63%
card 1.22%
defence 1.22%
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