61.   This report criticized the bank for poor management, weak controls and other problems that contributed to charges that it deceived some of its derivatives customers.

62.   What is more, the report criticized the House badge system because it did not maintain logs of computer activities.

63.   While it singles out no one, the report sharply criticizes federal health officials for delays in using methods to screen donated blood sooner.

64.   A government report in July criticized the gendarmes for shooting live ammunition into crowds and beating people during the riots.

65.   A government report in July criticized the gendarmes for shooting live ammunition into crowds and beating people.

66.   A news release from the group, received in Bangkok, said its latest report criticizes mismanagement of forest concessions belonging to Malaysian and Taiwanese companies.

67.   A new State Department report has criticized both the Muslim militants and Algerian security forces for human rights abuses, which prompted Algiers to summon the U.S. ambassador.

68.   A government report in July criticized the gendarmes for shooting live ammunition into crowds and beating people up during the riots.

69.   A U.N. report criticized the governments of Bosnia, Croatia and Yugoslavia Wednesday for disregarding human rights ranging from the right to life to basic democratic principles.

70.   Amnesty International report criticizes China.

n. + criticize >>共 562
group 11.22%
official 6.60%
leader 4.04%
report 3.93%
newspaper 2.17%
lawmaker 2.04%
analyst 2.04%
environmentalist 1.98%
organization 1.73%
government 1.68%
report + v. >>共 356
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be 18.76%
show 2.72%
suggest 2.64%
indicate 2.16%
come 1.60%
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