61.   Moore based his analysis on new and more detailed data on specific industries being released for the first time by the US Department of Commerce.

62.   Numbers were released for personnel and weapons cuts, but the Pentagon has declined to say how many bases it would hope to close.

63.   Not a dime of the courthouse bond bill has been released for critically needed repairs because of an unresolved dispute about labor agreements for the projects.

64.   Now comes a disconcerting Washington Post report that officials at the facility are recommending that he be released for unsupervised daylong visits with his parents.

65.   On Sunday, Wang Dan, the most prominent leader of the Tiananmen movement still in prison, was released for medical treatment in the United States.

66.   Now this exclusive program, Faces, has been released for civilian use. . . .

67.   On Sunday, the International AIDS Society is expected to release guidelines for doctors that will urge much more aggressive treatment.

68.   Once arrested, a prisoner may not be released for years.

69.   Other figures released for the first three quarters show cooling investment and a strong export performance.

70.   Schreiner, a repeat child abuse offender who spent four years behind bars, had been released for good behavior.

v. + for >>共 935
work 5.21%
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release + p. >>共 86
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by 1.66%
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