61.   Mostly from the Middle East, Iraq and Afghanistan, the refugees flee to Australia via Indonesia with the help of people-smuggling gangs.

62.   More than half a million Kosovo refugees have fled or been forced out of the Serb province, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Sadako Ogata said Wednesday.

63.   Most refugees fled Serb police with only what they were wearing.

64.   Often, aid convoys arrive to find that the refugees have fled somewhere else because of new fighting.

65.   Other cases of rape were registered in the hospital in Tuzla, where the refugees fled.

66.   Pakistan shuts door as refugees flee.

67.   On Wednesday, Chechen refugees fled the villages of Achkhoy-Martan and Samashky, fearing an imminent Russian assault.

68.   Refugees fled camps in southeastern Zaire Wednesday, part of an exodus of Hutus trying to avoid being trapped in battles between Zairian troops and ethnic Tutsis.

69.   Refugees fled the camps last week, saying Zairian mobs had attacked them with machetes.

70.   Refugees fled to forests and a nearby school.

n. + flee >>共 570
thousand 5.36%
resident 4.94%
refugee 4.88%
people 4.46%
gunman 4.06%
man 3.85%
attacker 3.73%
investor 3.60%
family 3.46%
assailant 3.14%
refugee + v. >>共 618
be 13.58%
say 7.18%
return 6.79%
flee 4.54%
have 3.73%
begin 2.20%
arrive 1.83%
tell 1.77%
continue 1.74%
come 1.56%
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