61.   Meanwhile, President Bill Clinton challenged lawmakers to adopt his tax reduction plan and the Democrats began plotting their defense strategies.

n. + plan >>共 691
peace 10.16%
health 5.86%
business 2.76%
government 2.38%
pension 2.21%
retirement 2.19%
expansion 2.13%
budget 1.91%
action 1.82%
tax 1.71%
reduction 0.26%
reduction + n. >>共 133
treaty 14.69%
target 12.19%
plan 10.18%
program 7.01%
agreement 3.84%
talk 2.50%
surgery 2.34%
effort 2.17%
goal 2.17%
package 2.00%
每页显示:    共 61