61.   When looking for a reading program, it is important to ask what the program does that cannot be done better through more traditional teaching methods.

62.   Wood then set up a remedial reading program at the high school, Love said.

63.   A percentage of proceeds from a pre-opening sale benefitted a reading program for at-risk children and other outreach projects are being planned, he said.

64.   Bush favors more funding for reading programs and teacher improvement, and wants to couple increases with fundamental changes in the role the federal government plays in education.

65.   Bush has said that while he advocates spending more for reading programs, larger overall increases are not possible without dipping into the Social Security surplus.

66.   Bush favors more funding for reading programs and teacher improvement, and wants to couple these increases with fundamental changes in the role the federal government plays in education.

67.   For its part, the teachers want smaller classes, stronger early-childhood education, a new reading program and better school security.

68.   For their part, teachers want smaller classes, stronger early childhood education, a new reading program and better school security.

69.   Reading programs and charter schools would get a boost from Bush, who says education is his highest priority.

70.   She also started the book festival and preschool reading programs.

a. + program >>共 969
new 5.06%
training 4.36%
federal 3.15%
social 2.98%
nuclear 2.67%
short 2.42%
pilot 2.11%
similar 1.78%
educational 1.44%
long 1.10%
reading 0.32%
reading + n. >>共 369
material 7.28%
list 4.91%
glass 4.86%
program 4.51%
skill 4.34%
room 3.58%
book 3.41%
test 2.89%
score 2.43%
habit 1.91%
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