61.   The group Animal Liberation Front said it used syringes to inject rat poison into the Christmas cakes, which are Italians favorite food during the holiday season.

62.   The people need urgent supplies of medicines, detergents, liquid soap, insecticide, rat poison and baby food, Redmond said.

63.   The North Koreans had said they might be killed if sent back and some said they carried rat poison to kill themselves if they were repatriated.

64.   The victim and his wife and daughter almost died of eating meatballs laced with rat poison.

65.   The Yediot Ahronot daily reported Sunday that the substance was rat poison.

66.   Thousands of turkeys were pulled from supermarket shelves Friday after an animal rights group said it had injected poultry with rat poison.

67.   Thirty-four middle-school students apparently ingested rat poison that had been sprinkled on salsa, authorities said Tuesday.

68.   Two popular brands of Italian Christmas cakes were pulled off the shelves Friday after an animal rights group said it injected them with rat poison.

69.   His sister insisted on a police analysis of the powder, which turned out to be rat poison.

70.   At the end of September, he covered a selection of biscuits with rat poison and left them in the village for local children to eat.

n. + poison >>共 39
rat 63.20%
nerve 2.40%
fish 2.40%
slug 2.40%
blood 1.60%
food 1.60%
antisemitic 0.80%
asylum 0.80%
atmosphere 0.80%
city 0.80%
rat + n. >>共 147
poison 20.68%
population 3.66%
brain 3.40%
trap 2.62%
urine 2.62%
infestation 2.36%
hole 2.36%
study 2.36%
problem 2.09%
tail 2.09%
每页显示:    共 79