61.   The problems of automobile exhaust and industrial pollution have created severe air quality problems.

62.   They currently are trying to figure out how to solve air quality problems while accommodating thousands of newcomers and their cars.

63.   This might help jump-start slow sales of vehicles such as the Jeep Grand Cherokee, which has been beset by much-publicized quality problems.

64.   This, he contended, is an unnecessary expense for people living in states with few air quality problems.

65.   This was especially helpful when well-publicized quality problems made American cars difficult to sell.

66.   Three years later, Payne was anointed chairman to help untangle some credit quality problems.

67.   Today, workers make sales calls, visit customers to solve any quality problems, and help select suppliers.

68.   We have the biggest air quality problem in the nation.

69.   Wheat markets shrugged off news of rain in some U.S. hard red winter wheat areas, which delayed cutting and could add to quality problems.

70.   While loan quality problems are beginning to surface at banks across the country, few institutions have been hit as hard as Bay View.

n. + problem >>共 955
health 11.61%
heart 4.65%
drug 2.79%
security 2.11%
computer 1.60%
safety 1.51%
knee 1.51%
image 1.25%
injury 1.12%
kidney 0.97%
quality 0.49%
quality + n. >>共 977
standard 4.67%
time 3.43%
player 3.08%
care 2.85%
product 2.62%
problem 2.17%
education 2.14%
service 2.09%
assurance 1.51%
improvement 1.14%
每页显示:    共 85