61.   She said any welfare reform proposal must include provisions for childcare, healthcare and job training.

62.   She said the most popular proposals include mandatory medical treatment for sex offenders, or lifetime parole and shaming.

63.   Still, the proposals included several significant concessions.

64.   State transportation officials acknowledged that the proposal does not include a method to ensure that a private operator will not simply walk away if the investment proves unprofitable.

65.   The College Board proposal also includes rewriting the math section to include algebra II.

66.   The College Board proposal also includes raising the level of math tested to include algebra II.

67.   The deregulation proposals also include measures to permit telecommunications companies to set prices freely and expand areas in which regional truck companies can compete to deliver goods.

68.   The final proposal includes several regulations apparently meant to blunt criticism.

69.   The French proposal includes monitoring of known Iraqi weapons facilities by a less aggressive inspections agency than the one now headed by Richard Butler.

70.   The GOP proposals included five to enhance the safety of schools, four to discourage violent entertainment and four to strengthen gun control laws.

n. + include >>共 1161
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dead 0.87%
proposal 0.58%
proposal + v. >>共 741
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