61.   Israel has stepped up the pace of house demolitions in recent weeks, prompting sharp criticism from the United States.

62.   Niyazov has cracked down on dissent and human rights in the former Soviet republic, prompting criticism by international groups.

63.   Reports last week that Mrs. Mandela intended to sue over her dismissal prompted criticism from Mandela and the ANC that any dispute should be kept within the party.

64.   Russian President Boris Yeltsin ordered the bombing ended Tuesday, after horrific scenes of death and destruction prompted criticism from a number of governments, including the United States.

65.   Seleznyov did not attend the first day of the congress on Saturday, prompting some criticism.

66.   That prompted criticism that the forum was losing momentum.

67.   Taliban officials on Monday showed off their destruction of two ancient statues by taking foreigners to the Bamiyan mountainside where the relics were blasted apart, prompting worldwide criticism.

68.   That prompted criticism from analysts who view the bailouts as direct government assistance.

69.   That prompted criticism Thursday from Faisal Husseini, who is on the Palestine Liberation Organization Executive Committee in charge of Jerusalem affairs.

70.   The collision strained relations between Japan and the United States, and prompted criticism of a Navy program that allows civilians on submarines at sea.

v. + criticism >>共 525
draw 19.80%
face 7.91%
reject 4.39%
dismiss 4.06%
follow 2.18%
deflect 1.96%
spark 1.89%
take 1.89%
prompt 1.80%
avoid 1.56%
prompt + n. >>共 1034
speculation 4.39%
concern 4.07%
call 2.89%
protest 2.88%
criticism 2.08%
authority 1.97%
fear 1.84%
investigation 1.57%
change 1.53%
decision 1.44%
每页显示:    共 112