61.   But this program aims to reach black men in the neighborhoods where they live.

62.   Demonstrators and governments marked the day with candlelight marches and announcements of new education and health programs aimed at fighting the deadly scourge.

63.   Fluoridation programs aim for a trade-off of only a minor level of mottled teeth, he said, and the study shows that has not been achieved.

64.   Generally regarded as a steppingstone to NATO membership, the program aims to engender stability and build stronger military cooperation between its participants.

65.   Gore and his Democratic opponent, Bill Bradley, also offered dueling new government programs aimed at attracting the votes of union members and senior citizens.

66.   He also opposes affirmative action programs aimed at promoting minority hiring.

67.   In the military, where fitness is a way of life, a new program aims to avoid that.

68.   Now, a new state program aims to help people like Padilla by using Medicaid funds to provide homeowners low-interest loans for lead removal.

69.   Programs aimed at reducing and preventing obesity among ethnic minorities should be encouraged, it concluded.

70.   Satcher said the report bears good news for communities struggling with youth violence, showing that some youth programs aimed at curbing violence are effective.

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