61.   The skills standards process also has other benefits, experts like Shroll said.

62.   The whole synod process has a variety of critics from across the spectrum of Catholic thought.

63.   This commission has decided that that venerable process has less validity than a few thousand phone calls by opinion pollsters.

64.   To maintain that number, the process will have to be repeated every year.

65.   To think the appellate process in this case might have fallen into the hands of some carpetbagging hired gun!

66.   Verney has repeatedly said the process will have integrity and security.

67.   Van Boxmeer admitted the lengthy hiring process has him on edge.

68.   While curtailing new credit seems the easiest way to stave off bad debt, the process has big risks.

69.   While the notification process has yet to be implemented, most firms have voluntarily reduced toxic emissions because of the law, Lents said.

70.   Yet sometimes, he lets doses slide just so the emotions so vital to his creative process have time to well up inside.

n. + have >>共 1318
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official 0.95%
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process 0.05%
process + v. >>共 618
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