61.   This passed through preliminary stages and was debated during the period prior to the date of the election.

62.   This was of course in the days prior to National Health Insurance when prolonged illness meant real hardship.

63.   We must complete full investigations prior to commencing remedial repairs.

64.   We support the emphasis placed here on understanding coastal processes prior to development plans being drawn up.

65.   What notice must be provided to a tenured teacher prior to dismissal?

66.   You have to ask yourselves some searching questions, particularly about the quality of your relationship prior to the present state of emergency.

67.   Just phone in your order three or more days prior to departure.

68.   He knew about the interview prior to its publication and had actually previewed the piece.

69.   It is not always necessary to gut the fish prior to freezing.

70.   It is important to enrich the soil prior to planting.

a. + to >>共 706
open 6.79%
up 5.87%
guilty 4.74%
loyal 4.12%
important 3.80%
prior 2.70%
able 2.07%
next 1.97%
likely 1.65%
difficult 1.33%
prior + p. >>共 3
to 99.89%
against 0.05%
on 0.05%
每页显示:    共 1890