61.   City officials and housing providers say the present system is oversaturated at many levels.

62.   Clinton defended his own fund-raising activities that are now under investigation as a necessary evil under the present system.

63.   Demands for recounts have been minimized under the present system.

64.   Despite discussion of radical notions like a flat tax or a consumption tax, the proposed changes would simply tinker with the present system.

65.   Even though Republican candidates benefited from the present system this year, he said many GOP leaders recognize the need for change because their incumbents could lose next time.

66.   For all the complaints about the present system, it might be impossible to find a politically acceptable alternative.

67.   For all its ethical money-grubbing problems, the present system favors incumbents of both parties.

68.   Giuliani brought the city to the brink of genuine school reform by his constant, focused criticism on the present system.

69.   He just assumes that his readers will share his outrage at the present system.

a. + system >>共 925
new 7.36%
banking 3.04%
financial 3.02%
current 3.01%
political 2.87%
legal 2.87%
judicial 1.85%
such 1.39%
old 1.33%
sound 1.13%
present 0.65%
present + n. >>共 1491
system 3.56%
situation 2.99%
government 2.59%
form 2.28%
day 2.15%
time 2.12%
crisis 1.56%
level 1.47%
study 1.28%
state 1.26%
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