61.   But up until that point, employees felt they had been condemned before all the evidence had been presented.

62.   Canadian immigration officials were presenting evidence to the court that al-Sayegh was a threat to Canadian society and should not be allowed to remain in the country.

63.   Cardenas, of the center-right National Action Party, or PAN, called the elections tainted and said he would present evidence of vote fraud.

64.   Chief prosecutor Alfonso Valdivieso presented new evidence against Samper Wednesday, asking Congress to consider four charges against the president, including illicit enrichment and electoral fraud.

65.   Cochran also argued that prosecutors presented no evidence that Nicole Simpson purchased Aris leather light gloves or that she gave such gloves to Simpson.

66.   Defense lawyer Bennett Sandlin had prepared an insanity defense, but after the state rested its case Wednesday, Sandlin rested as well without presenting evidence.

67.   Defence lawyers, until now mere bit players, will not only be allowed to meet promptly with their clients, but also to present evidence in their defence.

68.   Defense lawyers would not say whether they will present any evidence or whether defendant Yolanda Saldivar will ever take the stand.

69.   Despite the astounding statistics linking Simpson to the blood, prosecutors presented the evidence in a lengthy and confusing way.

70.   Despite the aura of certainty with which scientific evidence is presented by either defense or prosecution, it must be handled with care.

v. + evidence >>共 329
find 14.12%
have 11.88%
provide 6.86%
give 4.75%
present 4.02%
see 3.49%
offer 3.22%
produce 2.94%
gather 2.88%
show 2.26%
present + n. >>共 1427
evidence 5.11%
case 4.16%
problem 3.92%
plan 3.06%
proposal 2.89%
report 2.85%
finding 2.78%
award 2.68%
challenge 2.03%
result 1.50%
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