61.   Geographic boundaries now determine the cost of auto insurance, as drivers in more densely populated areas pay higher rates than those living in rural areas.

62.   He added that deserting a crashing plane near a populated area is something no crew member wants to do.

63.   He also pointed out that RCN has experience serving densely populated areas laden with apartments, such as New York City.

64.   Henoko is a sparsely populated area with U.S. military facilities to the north and west.

65.   He said he objected to the Israeli policy of retaliating for suicide bombings by firing missiles at Palestinian police posts, some located in populated areas.

66.   Heavily populated areas of south Florida experienced gusts of high winds and heavy rains intermittently throughout the day, but suffered relatively little damage.

67.   How could a team in the intensely populated area just south of Los Angeles be linked economically with teams in Pittsburgh, Milwaukee and Seattle?

68.   Hunting permits are issued only at certain times of the year and not in densely populated areas.

69.   I thought that poor roads and sparse habitation had protected Baja from the environmental degradation occurring in more populated areas of the world.

70.   If a rocket or shuttle veered off course, Air Force tracking personnel would transmit destruct commands to ensure that the spacecraft would not endanger a populated area.

a. + area >>共 807
rural 5.68%
palestinian 2.70%
metropolitan 2.48%
urban 2.31%
remote 2.23%
same 2.05%
residential 2.02%
large 1.95%
safe 1.95%
surrounding 1.41%
populated 1.23%
populated + n. >>共 115
area 54.21%
region 6.85%
state 3.12%
neighborhood 2.80%
city 2.28%
island 2.08%
part 1.97%
suburb 1.87%
district 1.56%
country 1.04%
每页显示:    共 519