61.   Both camps showed slides of their polling data, fund raising, organizational structure and strategies for winning both the Democratic nomination as well as the general election.

62.   Bush had sky-high approval ratings following the Persian Gulf War, but Murphy spoke with voters in New Hampshire and studied polling data.

63.   But French law imposes a seven-day blackout on publishing polling data leading up to elections.

64.   Detailed polling data can be stored locally for later retrieval.

65.   Further polling data was not immediately available.

66.   Gore advisers envision airing several different spots, placed strategically in key media markets based on polling data that shows what issues play well in various battleground states.

67.   Interior Minister Mustapha Benmansour said early Friday that official results were delayed because of difficulties in collecting polling data from across Algeria.

68.   It provides the six members with exit polling data and actual results to project elections.

69.   No recent polling data was available.

70.   Republicans view the same polling data, and know, as well, that Medicare has historically been a bedrock Democratic issue.

a. + datum >>共 1190
economic 12.11%
new 4.59%
financial 2.65%
personal 2.48%
recent 2.15%
high-speed 1.59%
sales 1.36%
raw 1.19%
scientific 1.16%
available 1.14%
polling 0.92%
polling + n. >>共 140
place 34.72%
datum 6.94%
day 3.79%
firm 3.61%
agent 3.34%
institute 3.25%
center 3.07%
official 2.71%
site 2.43%
centre 2.16%
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