61.   Police would also conduct surveillance training with Philippines narcotics police, he said.

62.   Pakistani police conducted a series of raids in eastern Punjab province based on information received from the United States.

63.   Prime Minister P.J. Patterson has ordered an investigation into the street roundup and police are conducting an internal investigation.

64.   Police are conducting additional investigations in Weisbaden, Munich and the greater Ruhr valley, Kersten said.

65.   Police conducted an initial check into whether Weizman had properly reported the gifts.

66.   Police conducted an unsuccessful search for the bodies of four Western hostages kidnapped nearly two years ago by Muslim separatists, officials said Tuesday.

67.   Police conducted house-to-house searches in western Kingston on Friday following a series of shootouts that killed a police officer and four suspected gunmen.

68.   Police conducted security checks, frisking people for weapons.

69.   Police conducted the raid Wednesday morning on the hideout where the suspects were preparing for new attacks on the government.

70.   Police recently conducted sweeps of Tamil neighborhoods in Colombo following intelligence warnings that large numbers of rebels had used the cease-fire to infiltrate the capital.

n. + conduct >>共 656
police 5.18%
company 4.44%
government 3.19%
official 3.10%
authority 2.79%
troop 2.51%
agency 2.42%
researcher 2.21%
force 2.15%
team 1.78%
police + v. >>共 510
say 30.33%
arrest 4.21%
be 3.14%
find 1.94%
investigate 1.72%
have 1.69%
fire 1.56%
believe 1.43%
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conduct 0.18%
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