61.   The next night, Frenchy angrily told them to come upstairs to see the plant manager.

62.   The plant site manager, thinking it another false alarm, unmasked the site.

63.   The suit also contends that the plant manager, Ariosto Milan Mosquera, had told workers that he had given an order to paramilitary forces to destroy the union.

64.   The workers fixed the problem, but no one notified the plant manager or county environmental officials about the release of the partially treated wastewater, Spano said.

65.   Today, seven plant managers report to her.

66.   Union officials from Philadelphia were also there, as were the plant manager and an aide.

67.   When the brake factories reopen, Warrell, the plant manager, said initial output would go first to plants GM wants to restart quickly.

68.   When I grow up, I am going to be a plant manager.

69.   With most Mobil executives saying as little as possible for now, calls on Sunday to the local plant manager and a company spokesman did not elicit a peep.

70.   Plant manager Kenneth Caldwell did not return a phone call.

n. + manager >>共 548
fund 13.63%
money 10.86%
portfolio 3.75%
campaign 3.31%
team 3.23%
project 2.06%
store 2.06%
business 1.80%
branch 1.33%
hotel 1.31%
plant 0.82%
plant + n. >>共 769
worker 4.01%
life 3.64%
official 3.55%
closing 3.46%
manager 3.43%
species 2.70%
operator 2.27%
material 2.05%
growth 1.84%
closure 1.72%
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