61.   Particular emphasis is placed on the development of interpersonal skills, self awareness, and the ability to seek and use information available in travel and tourism offices.

62.   Students will be introduced to the language of business and emphasis will be placed on the interpersonal skills involved in this type of activity.

63.   Emphasis will be placed on the initiation and sustaining of working relationships throughout the module and the interpersonal skills used during the module will be assessed.

64.   Emphasis will be placed on the use of interpersonal skills appropriate to this type of investigation and students will be assessed on their use of these skills.

65.   Emphasis will be placed on the initiation and sustaining of working relation skills throughout the module and interpersonal skills used will be assessed.

66.   Emphasis will be placed on the initiation and sustaining of working relationships and interpersonal skills will be assessed.

67.   Regular review sessions will be held to monitor progress in all aspects of the programme, with emphasis being placed on personal and social development.

68.   Emphasis will be placed on self-presentation skills and interpersonal skills.

69.   Emphasis will be placed on good self-presentation and interpersonal skills.

v. + emphasis >>共 141
place 33.11%
put 26.37%
give 5.69%
shift 5.69%
lay 2.25%
change 2.17%
increase 1.72%
want 1.20%
switch 1.05%
keep 0.82%
place + n. >>共 1240
order 3.61%
emphasis 3.23%
bet 2.07%
bomb 1.74%
call 1.63%
restriction 1.61%
child 1.50%
ad 1.45%
blame 1.39%
limit 1.29%
每页显示:    共 439