61.   Government officials in the six districts could not be reached by phone.

62.   Government officials in the region could not be reached by phone.

63.   He denied allegations that embassy officials could not be reached by phone and callers were required to leave messages on an answering machine.

64.   He could not be reached by phone.

65.   Heidi, also reached by phone, said the bombing struck closer to home for her than any previous act of violence in Northern Ireland.

66.   Information Minister Moses Nagamootoo, reached by phone earlier Saturday, said Jagan appeared in good spirits.

67.   Mack could not be reached by phone at his home in Barcelona on Thursday.

68.   Moscowitz, reached by phone in Miami, would not say what his immediate plans were.

69.   Moskowitz, reached by phone in Miami, would not say what his immediate plans were.

70.   Nearly two weeks after Mitch first hit, some Honduran communities still have not been reached by phone, by foot, by truck or by air.

n. + reach >>共 1026
telephone 4.90%
side 3.16%
team 1.81%
company 1.54%
party 1.04%
phone 0.98%
negotiator 0.90%
government 0.89%
convoy 0.85%
jury 0.83%
phone + v. >>共 257
ring 33.56%
be 16.46%
reach 4.88%
have 2.91%
contact 2.66%
go 2.61%
work 2.22%
start 2.17%
stop 1.53%
call 1.48%
每页显示:    共 98