61.   It usually strikes young children, and one quarter of sufferers have severe permanent damage.

62.   Katzenmoyer is understandably worried about the possibility of permanent damage if he should hurt himself in precisely the wrong way.

63.   Lightning is intensely hot, but because a strike is usually very brief, it reduces the likelihood of permanent damage, doctors said.

64.   Little permanent damage was evident.

65.   Meanwhile, GM and the UAW are under intense pressure to settle the strikes in Flint before the costly walkouts cause permanent damage.

66.   Ms. Marshall understands the syndrome, which can lead to permanent damage, better than many.

67.   Most leaf-sucking insects do not cause permanent damage to shade trees, he says, though they do make a mess on car finishes and other surfaces.

68.   Natalie is undergoing physical therapy at on her right arm which sustained permanent damage when struck by the bullet.

69.   Nationally, there have been reports of chiropractors causing permanent damage to youngsters or misdiagnosing serious illnesses.

70.   Never look directly at the sun during an eclipse as the rays are especially harmful to the eyes and can cause permanent damage.

a. + damage >>共 702
serious 6.76%
minor 5.55%
environmental 4.79%
extensive 4.33%
unspecified 4.14%
major 3.95%
structural 2.89%
severe 2.78%
heavy 2.58%
further 2.56%
permanent 1.86%
permanent + n. >>共 1273
member 11.37%
peace 4.21%
resident 3.39%
seat 2.65%
residency 2.35%
home 2.18%
damage 1.98%
replacement 1.96%
trade 1.79%
collection 1.61%
每页显示:    共 182