61.   It bugged me how high people sit in these road hogs.

62.   It is designed to allow short people to sit far enough back in the seat to keep them from being injured by the air bag, should it deploy.

63.   It was a time when people sat in coffeehouses discussing Camus and Sartre and the films of Bergman and Fellini.

64.   Last year people sat glued to their TV sets, where they witnessed live coverage of Simpson being followed across Los Angeles by caravans of police.

65.   Many people sit for hours in cafes, in no rush to go anywhere.

66.   Many people sit close to the steering wheel to see over it.

67.   More people were sitting in open car trunks next to their coolers than lying on towels near the water.

68.   Mentally ill people do not sit in corners drooling incoherently.

69.   Nakagaki hopes to have some people sit on tatami, a woven mat, in front of the altar.

70.   Most people sit in the profile of the letter C, with their necks craned and their spines crunched into a tight curve.

n. + sit >>共 1618
man 3.86%
woman 3.29%
people 3.19%
child 1.78%
player 1.20%
student 0.97%
family 0.94%
boy 0.88%
group 0.88%
house 0.86%
people + v. >>共 719
be 13.89%
have 4.14%
die 3.56%
say 2.67%
think 2.15%
want 2.12%
get 1.42%
go 1.34%
come 1.33%
take 1.32%
sit 0.20%
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