61.   On Monday, the Supreme Court reversed the decision, ruling that the passengers had voluntarily consented to the search.

62.   Now, on some Delta flights, even high-paying first-class passengers have to tighten their belts.

63.   On occasion the airline loses a reservation number in its computer, which means the passenger has to buy a new ticket.

64.   On Wednesday a federal district court in Harrisburg ruled that the passengers had the right to request release on bond.

65.   Once on board, passengers will never have to pack or unpack for each continent, each port of call.

66.   Otherwise, she said, passengers had to pay for an upgrade or wait for later flights.

67.   One of the major factors in the continuing interest in cruising is the satisfaction passengers have with their experience.

68.   One thing TWA passengers do not have to worry about is their frequent flier miles.

69.   Passengers had trouble finding and putting on life vests, the NTSB said.

70.   Passengers have nine months from the date of purchase to begin their travel.

n. + have >>共 1318
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passenger 0.12%
passenger + v. >>共 743
be 17.18%
say 4.81%
have 4.47%
get 1.73%
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suffer 1.49%
board 1.10%
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