61.   But they also are apt to drop out if they continue to be passed along without learning the material, Barnes has argued.

62.   By then, we were too immersed in Zeppelin lore to let the events of the afternoon pass without learning more.

63.   Can you really, with a wide open and empty space of highway ahead of you, let it pass without a quick blast of the twin turbos?

64.   Chile is expected to be added to NAFTA if Congress can agree on so-called fast-track authority that would allow the treaty to be passed without amendments.

65.   Clinton said Wednesday that neither Barak nor Arafat wanted the September deadline to pass without resolving the deadlock.

66.   Contrary to what one might expect, the conversation barely touches on wine all evening, and the many bottles are poured and passed without ceremony.

67.   Critics say this is a sneaky, last-minute ploy to get the bill passed without having to fix some serious environmental concerns.

68.   Despite sometimes volatile language, the day passed without violence.

69.   Despite the sometimes volatile language, the day passed without violence.

70.   Daschle took the benefit extension bill to the Senate floor again Thursday afternoon, where it was again passed without a roll call vote or any dissent from Republicans.

v. + without >>共 860
go 6.20%
hold 4.20%
play 3.93%
leave 3.67%
say 3.21%
pass 2.27%
end 1.74%
come 1.72%
release 1.56%
work 1.44%
pass + p. >>共 75
along 21.38%
without 15.03%
in 9.28%
with 8.95%
around 6.75%
before 6.10%
by 5.58%
since 3.48%
at 3.38%
across 2.90%
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