61.   The race is one of a handful in the country that political analysts expect to determine which party controls the Senate.

62.   The pro-business political trend is apparent across Europe, he added, even where left-of-center parties control the biggest countries.

63.   The outcome of these battles could determine which party controls the House of Representatives after the November election.

64.   The ruling party controls all of the radio and television in the Bosnian part of Serbia, and most jobs in a state-run economy.

65.   The same three political parties still control their own parts of Bosnia.

66.   The study also finds that Congress, no matter which party controlled it, had no effect on the outcome.

67.   The way things are going, the next candidate might decide to bypass Modesto, no matter which party controls it.

68.   The vote for speaker is generally cast along party lines, a practice that has guaranteed that the majority party controls the speakership.

69.   Unlike Mrs. Whitman, who rules a state where both houses are controlled by her party, Cuomo has had to struggle continuously against a divided Legislature.

70.   Two parties will control Austin next year.

n. + control >>共 891
government 5.85%
rebel 5.57%
party 3.79%
company 3.24%
force 3.21%
troop 2.39%
arm 1.89%
hard-liner 1.32%
group 1.13%
state 1.10%
party + v. >>共 674
be 12.11%
have 4.95%
say 3.54%
agree 2.90%
win 2.21%
want 1.40%
take 1.33%
hold 1.23%
call 1.16%
make 1.02%
control 0.66%
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