61.   Bagnasco ordered the release of one detained naval officer Friday.

62.   Biya ordered the release of Pius Njawe late Friday, but gave no explanation for the move, a presidential aide said on condition of anonymity.

63.   Both Zadvydas and Ma have been released from INS detention because they sued and judges ordered their release.

64.   But his supporters took to the streets and, after a clash between pro-Karbaschi protesters and security forces, Khamenei ordered his release on bail.

65.   But Broward Circuit Court Judge Leonard Fleet ordered its release Monday in response to a lawsuit by a group of local governments seeking to stop the eradication.

66.   But the court that ordered his release said the suspect had been held in police custody beyond the legal limit without the approval of a judge.

67.   But one of the men already had died in prison, and another died of ill health a few weeks after the Supreme Court ordered his release in March.

68.   Chan ordered the release of the mercenaries, but did not know if that had been accomplished by Tuesday evening.

69.   Earlier in the day, a judge refused to order the release of telephone records to a new Simpson lawyer.

70.   Fifteen inmates got a fleeting taste of freedom Thursday when the Irish government ordered their release and immediate rearrest at the prison gates.

v. + release >>共 380
demand 14.17%
follow 6.35%
secure 5.91%
negotiate 4.55%
win 4.26%
await 4.26%
seek 4.11%
order 3.82%
delay 3.14%
block 2.26%
order + n. >>共 1617
investigation 4.64%
arrest 2.40%
killing 2.29%
release 1.93%
inquiry 1.87%
evacuation 1.80%
attack 1.62%
halt 1.26%
test 1.19%
murder 1.16%
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